Vitamin IV Therapy
Replenish, Hydrate & Glow
Vitamin IV Therapy nutrients and minerals in an IV solution can be used instantly by your body because they will not be lost during the digestive process. The health benefits of vitamin supplements are indisputably beneficial, but when taken orally in pill form–your body’s natural metabolic absorption process can render up to 85% of that vitamin useless. Vitamin IV Therapy (Intravenous therapy) delivers a higher concentration of nutrients to your cells through the bloodstream, allowing your body to better absorb and utilize them.
VITAMIN IV THERAPY rapidly boosts nutrient levels in the center of cells–where nutrients are needed most. Only when those cells have the concentration of nutrients they need to function properly, can true healing begin. Most Vitamin IV Therapy patients report immediate improvements after an infusion. Nutrients, fluids and medications that cannot be taken by patients orally can be administered by IV. When you administer these vitamins via saline drip, you rehydrate and achieve higher absorption.
Vitamin IV Therapy fights exhaustion, fatigue and delivers an energy boost. It helps protect and promote a healthy immune system. It also improves the appearance of skin, hair & nails, slows the aging process and helps regulate sleep, mood and appetite. Vitamin IV Therapy increases red blood cell production and aids in detoxifying the body.
The Concentration Gradient Effect
A concentration gradient occurs when the concentration of something changes over a certain distance. For example, a few drops of food dye in a glass of water will diffuse along the concentration gradient. Where the dye is in it’s highest concentration (for instance, the brightest blue) will diffuse to where it occurs in it’s lowest concentration (the water is still clear). The diffusion will continue until the concentration of the dye becomes uniform in all directions of the water.
Concentration gradients are the chemical driving force behind many processes that take place near cell membranes. For example, many cells are able to increase the internal concentration of vitamin solutes until very high levels are reached and considerable concentration gradients are established. The concentration gradient is why Vitafusion IV Therapy is 100 % absorbed.
Beauty is more than just skin deep. VITAGLOW rejuvenates your skin with high doses of the master anti-oxidant GLUTATHIONE. It can prevent and help reverse the effects of free radical damage.
Myers Wellness Cocktail
To radiate on the outside, you must be balanced on the inside. Vitamin Wellness Infusion can provide you with this balance. This combination of vitamins and minerals will leave you feeling revitalized, rejuvenated and renewed.
Vita C
Consists of vitamin C in high doses, a wide and deep spectrum of vitamins, minerals & amino acids. High-dose vitamin C, fights fatigue, increases energy, is a natural skin brightener and an anti-inflammatory thats boosts the immune system.