Resvida Facial

Introducing our latest oxygen facial.

Introducing ResVida – a groundbreaking treatment that unites skin and scalp rejuvenation. This innovative fusion of LPE (light pulsed energy) therapy, advanced NIR (near infrared), and anion plus oxygen mist spraying system deeply penetrates the skin and scalp, ushering in a new era of revitalization. Embrace the transformative power of cell renewal and complexion enhancement like never before, embarking on a journey that goes beyond the surface.

Elevate your skincare and haircare routine with our rejuvenating ResVida Oxygen Treatment. Discover the magic of oxygen infusion as it revitalizes both your skin and scalp, fostering vibrant skin, lush hair. This cutting-edge therapy combines oxygen with nutrient-rich serums, igniting blood circulation and delivering essential nourishment directly to the skin and hair follicles.

ResVida Scalp Treatment - Unveil the potential for enhanced hair growth, a healthier scalp, and fuller locks. Immerse yourself in a soothing massage, indulging in the epitome of pampering. Unearth the secret to vibrant, voluminous hair with our ResVida Oxygen Treatment – your pathway to radiant hair begins here.


Diamond Glow Facial